Fall Release 2018

Letter and Detailed Tasting Notes Here

Dear Friends,

Every year we tell ourselves that writing a release letter during harvest is a bad idea and that we should get on it a little sooner. Well, as the saying goes, why do today what you can put off until tomorrow? Or at least that’s how I think it goes ;)… the unseasonably cool weather to start the growing season did continue through summer and, in fact, created a later harvest this vintage. As of writing this release letter we still have Pinot Noir hanging and this will officially be the latest start to our chardonnay harvest ever, with our first pick on October 1st. I haven’t even started looking at the non-Pinot Noir reds. This harvest has had near perfect conditions with temperate days for slow ripening, and cool nights for holding acidity. I don’t know if there has been another like it in my career so far. Average yields mean healthy vines, and I think 2018 will be one for the history books.

Recently, Vinous, a publication led by famous wine reviewer Antonio Galloni, wrote some unbelievably kind words about our region and Timbre. “Santa Barbara is one of the world’s elite grape growing and wine producing regions. This report focuses mostly on the 2016s, which are just being released onto the market. In 2016 Mother Nature gifted producers with the conditions to make striking wines of grace and finesse.” About Timbre he said “Josh Klapper is one of the many young winemakers who make up Santa Barbara’s dynamic scene. His 2016s are wonderfully finessed, translucent wines with real character.”

It is those 2016s which make up much of this release (and part of our recent Summer 2018 release) with help from our first cider release from 2017 called the Frying Pan, dry-hopped with Citra Hops. The grape varieties represented this time around include the 2016 Lead Vocals Chardonnay and Pinot Noir bottlings. Also on tour, the 2016 Supergroup (Bien Nacido and Presqu’ile Vineyards) and Guest Star (Turner Vineyard) Pinot Noirs. Finally, a red blend of Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon called Rare Groove #1. Like the Rare Groove #2 and #3 from the last release, it is a wine club exclusive and will be gone very soon after release.

As always, help us spread the word to your wine-loving friends and enemies, and holler at us @TimbreWinery on Facebook and Instagram. Without further ado, we present our release. Click here for individual tasting notes and information about each of the new wines… Cheers!

– Josh, Alex, & chiasa–

p.s. Please place your order by October 20th to receive 10% off your purchase. If ordering online, use the code Fall2018TW at checkout to receive the discount. Wines will be shipped/delivered after 10/22/18 via temperature-controlled truck. If you would like to place an order by phone call Anne or Chiasa at 805-270-4308!